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Praise for Executive Coaching:

Praise for Coach Training and Mentoring:

Mary Teresa Nelson, Assistant Principal, NYC Public School

“After twelve weeks of coaching, I feel stronger then I have in years, have increased confidence, and better communication and negotiation skills.  I am also feeling smarter about how to strategically network myself and promote my strengths.  Learning to effectively use my contacts and communicate my strengths helped me land an opportunity to apply for a job I really want. Because of coaching I have been selected for a coveted spot in the NYC Advanced Leadership Academy where I will be training for the role of Principal—the job I really want and came to coaching for!


I would definitely recommend Paulette to anyone who wants to take charge of their career and create success for themselves and their organization. She has the experience, insight and tools to assist in cultivating everything good in her client and bringing it to the surface.”

Jean Claude Brizard, Executive Director for High Schools, NYC Board of Education

“I have recommended Paulette to other senior leaders in my organization. She can connect with people, she’s a great listener, and she teaches people how to listen to other people.  She helps you take a step back away from the BlackBerry and the computer, and she really, really listens — the work she does really offers people something they’re missing. It helps them reconnect with goals from years before, remember what their life dreams are, and find their way – it helps them wade through the murk and keep their eye on the light of the dreams that they had fifteen or twenty years ago.


If I had to select words to describe Paulette, I would say: empathetic, passionate, smart, intuitive and many, many more!  She has been my guidepost.” 

Patricia Johnson, Internal Coach—Human Resources, NYC Law Firm

“I would recommend Paulette for either business or personal coaching. She is a caring, supportive and active listener, and she works with her clients to facilitate alternate viewpoints. She really helps people to get to the basics of setting goals and creating a pathway of action to get there.”

Christa Collins, Partner, Jones & Jones

“Before working with Paulette I had descended into a pattern where I was extremely stressed all of the time, lacked confidence in my ability to be an effective leader, felt limited and complained about everyone and everything.  Since completing my coaching sessions with Paulette, I have re-gained my confidence.  This confidence has allowed me to shed my fear of acknowledging my own greatness and lead to a new and exciting path (including a substantial pay raise and an expanded role within the firm).  I no longer live under a cloud of stress.  Instead, I feel peace and calm, even when encountering deadlines or angry clients.  And in the rare moment when I hear the voice in my head trying to take over and bring the negativity back in, armed with the tools provided by Paulette, the voice is quickly silenced.


Coaching has completely changed my life.  I now truly believe that as long as I stay aware and positive, the possibilities are endless and I have the power to create anything.  Instead of thinking life is hard and painful I now know that life is a beautiful gift full of hope and happiness.  Paulette is truly a master of her craft!”

Deana Zelenka, CEO, Oppelle

“Paulette is an exceptional executive coach and facilitator. Her authenticity and ability to connect on all levels enables her to form real and lasting relationships that directly correlate into increased awareness, self-value and bottom line results. I can confidently recommend her to anyone looking to take themselves to the next level.” 

Diana L. Corkum, Principal, Mercer

“As a fellow manager, I have had the pleasure of working with Paulette Rao for several years.  Paulette successfully led a team of colleagues using her strong motivational skills and business acumen.  She is an exceptional communicator who conveys her thoughts and ideas with clarity and passion and manages to keep her audience well informed and interested in her message.


Paulette is extremely intuitive.  She exhibits an exceptional work ethic which results in dedication to her job and responsibilities.  She follows through on each task from inception to completion.  In addition, her extensive business background gives her the credibility necessary to provide relevant coaching and advice to her client.”

Eileen Reed, Ed.D. Deputy Executive Director, Texas Initiatives Region XIII Education Service Center

“Although I’m an accomplished leader, Paulette’s unique perspective and skill set in this area helped me take performance reviews to the next level.  I have especially benefited from learning how to lead self-directed dialogues allow colleagues to self-acknowledge, reconnect with the organization and their developmental goals, leading to renewed commitment in areas of needed growth. I am coaching them to think for themselves which supports their learning. This is creating the foundation for a more cohesive, collaborative team, aimed at achieving aligned objectives with focused energy and overall better results.”

Zvi Oksenberg, Real Estate Developer, Entrepreneur

“I came with a few goals for my getting my business re-energized. I benefited most from her ability to ask the right questions at the right time and helping me take effective action.


Paulette’s approach to goal-setting was useful. She helped me learn how to focus on my goals—not look around them.  It’s something I always knew I could do but couldn’t have actually done it without her coaching. She helped me build this as a permanent habit.  It’s always been really hard for me to change—my brain always goes back to the old thinking.  But with Paulette’s coaching, I’ve become successful in focusing on my goals.”

D. Martin, Financial Services Professional

“Enhancement of my leadership skills is having a huge impact in my career. Coaching has placed me firmly on the road to achieving my objective—improving my ability to be a leader and the architect of my dreams.


Paulette did a phenomenal job. She understands the challenges in corporate America as she’s come across them herself and busted through many to become really successful. It’s was really helpful to tap into her experience and wisdom as we went along. She helped me calibrate my compass when needed  and was a committed partner throughout the journey. For that I am really thankful.”                 

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Dean Dennis Di Lorenzo, New York University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies

NYU 2014 Award for Teaching Excellence
“Since Fall 2006, Paulette Rao has consistently received high evaluative praise not only from her Coaching students, but also from her colleagues as well as the Academic Department of Leadership and Human Capital Management. As one of the students from the inaugural beginnings of the Coaching program, Paulette is the exemplar of excellence, proving the indispensable need of non-credit curriculum and its positive effects on an individual’s professional, and personal, development. Because SCPS had such a profound effect on her academic experience, Paulette in turn has devoted every semester since Fall 2006 to recreate that very same robust educational environment. This has resulted in non-credit alumni students becoming brand ambassadors who promote the program. These very same students emphatically notate Paulette Rao as the reason for their inspiration to pursue Coaching careers. Paulette has continued to maintain connection with all of her students, as well as provide networking events so that alumni students commingle with current students. A team player, a caring instructor, and a passionate supporter of SCPS, Paulette Rao receives our highest praise for nomination for 2014 Teaching Excellence.”

Ellen Browning-Lafferty, Founder and Owner, Source Bodywork, Philadelphia

Before taking Paulette's course, I had only a rudimentary knowledge of coaching, and was unsure of how to integrate the practice of coaching into my current career. This course gave me a solid foundation of coaching theory and practice, and the opportunity to hone my coaching skills under the tutelage of one of the industry's top coaches. Paulette's vast experience and expertise are incredible resources for students. Her warmth and candor create a classroom environment ripe for learning. I've walked away from the course with greater knowledge, confidence, and a renewed clarity of purpose in my work that I am now able to translate into abundant income.

JimiBeth Myers, Vice President Global Marketing Operations, Global Association of Risk Professionals

Paulette’s coaching training is powerfully presented, evidence-based coaching information packaged into lessons and assignments that are pedagogically sound. Her instruction is delivered with deep and genuine care that is strongly rooted in years of personal experience as a coach. Paulette gives you the tools to live your life on purpose and create a coaching practice that is poised to positively impact each client.

Donna Janssen, Director, Texas State Educators

“Paulette’s knowledge and delivery of coaching skills and competencies is polished and world class by all description. We all sat riveted, fascinated, and laser-focused as she facilitated a deeper understanding of coaching concepts. She is a stellar trainer and mentor coach.”

Mike Cave

“I highly recommend Paulette her to anyone seeking mentoring in preparation for ICF certification.  Thanks to her, I now have a much clearer understanding of the logistics of the certification process.  Paulette provided me with numerous tips for successful completion of the oral exam.  I am much more confident now that I will be successful with the exam and more importantly, I am more confident in meeting the needs of my current and future clients.  Thanks, Paulette!“

CB, Principal at Major Global Management Consulting Firm    Cindy L. Becker Principal, Towers, Perrin

“I wanted to write and express my gratitude for you and your Mentor coaching program. I expected to receive help on the ICF certification process and to receive suggestions on how to improve my coaching but I ended up gaining so much more.


Thank you for an impactful class and personal growth experience.  Before class I was confused, challenged, scared, not feeling able to market coaching. By the end of the class, I believe I can do it if I set my mind and heart to it.  Your process helped me identify my gremlins, put them aside, create my vision, understand the elements of an effective marketing plan and mindset so that I had all the components of what I needed from the inside and out.  It was transformative. I could not only feel it in myself but could see it in others in the class.  You have a truly unique combination of marketing skills, talent for helping others reach deep down into their core and bring out their authentic self, and a frame to think about it all that makes it easy to understand and implement.  I really learned a lot from you and the wonderful dialogue you facilitated in the classroom. I really appreciate your approach and sharing your insights.  Thank you for helping me push past my fear.”

Josephine Rotolo, Personal and Professional Coach

“Paulette’s course helped me take all of my thoughts about marketing and organize them in a way that I can attract clients that I am energized by. It gave me the confidence to use what I learned at a recent networking event which resulted in a brand new client for my practice. I highly recommend this course to every coach. It zeroes in on helping you authentically focus your energies towards finding your ideal client.”

Francine T. Taylor, M. Ed., Educational Specialist – Texas State Educators

“Paulette’s class completely reframed how I think of and do marketing. Any negative connotations I had about ‘marketing’ have disappeared and I now have a framework that allows me to reach my target clients in a clear and compelling way. I have used the tools and skills covered in the class to successfully attract clients in a way that feels easy and natural to me. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants a fluid and authentic way to expand their practice.”

Elena F. Deutsch, Personal & Career Coach

“I’ve got to thank you again for an extremely well structured and powerful learning opportunity. It was a great delight to have you as my marketing mentor. I admire your presence, generosity and ability to help me get in revealing yourself and leading by example. Walking the talk! Great stuff! I’ll keep you posted on my success so you can be proud of your piece in it.”

Dean Miles, Certified Executive Coach

"Today was excellent. The information you shared and reminded me of would be worth the cost of the entire program. If I had gone for the MCC and not participated in today’s call, I would not have shown MCC skills."

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